(English follows Chinese)
首先我們來談談程式碼氣味(Code Smell)中的第一個分類:Bloaters 臃腫怪。我查了一下,華文世界中目前尚未有普遍公認的正式翻譯名稱,我曾看過「虛胖的程式碼」或是「代碼腫脹」這樣的描述,但我認為這些都不足以貼合這個名詞背後的意境。或許是受到Refactoring Guru網站上的插圖影響,沒有足夠留心維護的程式碼像是哥吉拉一樣逐漸演化成虛胖腫脹的怪物形象根植在我的心中,所以我選擇了這樣的華文命名。
無庸置疑的,這或許是最普遍隨處可見的程式碼氣味,廣泛存在於幾乎每一個程式專案當中。Bloaters違反了Clean Code中的最高指導原則,同時也是Sandi曾經在RailsConf 2014中「All the Little Things」所提及,寫出乾淨程式碼最關鍵的秘訣:
Make Smaller Things. - Sandi Metz, 2014
當人們詢問Sandi如何能寫出更好的物件導向程式碼時,其中一個最棒的建議是:創造出更小的物件(make smaller things)。更小的類別,更小的方法,然後讓他們彼此所知越少越好。
要改善這樣的氣味,如同普遍建議的重構技巧,期望能夠一步登天是不切實際的。如同五洲製藥的理念:先研究不傷身體(現有行為)再講求效果。重構很重要的就是不能破壞現有行為,創造出更多錯誤與風險。把重構的步驟與改變切小,有助於逐步管控變化與風險,更能夠讓團隊與主管接受重構的行為。對於提交出的程式碼改動,小的Pull Requests也能更好的被檢視。
The first category of code smells we will discuss is called Bloaters. It is one of the most common signs of code smells that can be found in any code branch. Bloaters exactly go against the top secret of Clean Code, mentioned in Sandi Metz's other talk "All the Little Things" at RailsConf 2014.
Make Smaller Things. - Sandi Metz, 2014
When people ask Sandi what the best way to write better object-oriented code is, one of the best pieces of advice is to make smaller things. Make smaller classes, make smaller methods, and let them know as little about each other as possible.
Size can be evil, and this limitation comes from the human brain. Code is not only meant for computers to execute but also for developers to read. The amount of information and concepts humans can process at once is strictly limited. Unlike servers that can run multiple threads, developers cannot do the same mentally. That's why it is recommended to follow guidelines for the length of each file and line of code.
Bloaters make software difficult to work with. They represent pieces of code that have grown so large that they become hard to read and maintain.
Typically, bloaters don’t happen right away but accumulate long-term as your code base grows. This is usually a slow process. Code starts out small and well-isolated, but grows excessively over a long time as new functionality is added and code is made more general marking it difficult to work with. Particularly when no developer has made an effort to point out the potential issue.
Dealing with these code smells, like most refactoring, is usually best done one small step at a time.
The good news is that if you can identify any of the smells below in your components you can make your code cleaner with the same kind of gradual changes that caused the problems in the first place.
Let's take a look at some common code smells in the Bloaters catalog:
Generally, any method longer than ten lines are considered too long. It may be responsible for more tasks than it should be.
A class contains too many fields, methods, and lines of code.
Primitive Obsession is the excessive use of basic data types to represent concepts or entities in code.
When a function or method has a large number of parameters.
Groups of variables that always appear together should be turned into their own object.
All the Little Things, Sandi Metz https://youtu.be/8bZh5LMaSmE